Aging and sun damaged skin

Skin age and your age are not necessarily the same. Most New Zealanders are not aware that our harsh sunlight and our love of an outdoor life style can cause premature aging of their skin.

Aging of the skin produces changes in skin structure, with damage or loss of important support products like collagen and elastin. The skin is thinned and becomes more fragile, losing its elasticity. This increases skin wrinkling. The blood vessels in thin skin may break with minimal trauma and leave purple marks known as ecchymoses. There is also increased unwanted pigmentation or pigmented growths and dilated blood vessels. Over time, with the loss of important facial fat, and the effect of gravity, there is skin sagging and this produces characteristic loss of youthful facial contour.

The Auckland Skin Laser Centre has a wide variety of treatments for the various aspects of skin aging including treatments for loss of skin tone and blotchy, uneven complexion, for wrinkles, pigmentation and growths, dilated blood vessels and flushing, skin sagging and early skin cancer changes.


For more information on treatment of specific aspects of aging skin click here:


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