Dilated facial veins and leg veins

Dilated facial veins, sometimes known as ‘broken veins’ or telangiectases and more common on the face, are often a result of sun damage to skin. Dilated blood vessels on the legs – sometimes called spider veins- have a bluish or red colour and appear just beneath the skin surface. Larger unwanted varicose blood vessels may be raised above the skin surface and serpentine; they may occur in association with spider veins.



Troublesome dilated facial veins can be very effectively treated and removed in several ways and the dilated leg veins can also, in many instances, be sealed by our expert clinical staff.

Where there are larger dilated broken facial veins which give the face its ‘ruddy’ complexion, these can be carefully and precisely sealed up by means of copper bromide laser treatment.

Widespread and persistent facial flushing associated with tiny dilated facial veins often requires treatment with the pulsed dye laser to seal up the many dilated blood vessels in the skin. Broadband light can also play a useful role in treating this condition.

Larger dilated spider veins or the even larger varicose veins on legs are usually best treated and removed by using a technique known as sclerotherapy, which allows the body to gradually seal up these unwanted veins.

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